Have you ever visited a website and then seen ads for that same site popping up all over the web? This is thanks to remarketing, a powerful tool that can supercharge your business. Retargeting allows you to re-engage with website visitors who have already shown interest in your products or services. With Google remarketing, you can target people who have visited your website before, as well as people who have engaged with your content on YouTube or Google Display Network. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of remarketing and how you can get started today!
Remarketing is a great process to bring back lost visitors who did not convert. However, not many marketers are making full use of this never-failing tool yet. In this post, we would try to find out the reason and discuss the better way of exploiting this procedure to the fullest in campaigns and how to test its results. Mind it, we do not need to always think about cheaper conversion through this method.
What is remarketing? Explanation
Every digital marketer spends a lot of time acquiring customers. It involves quite a lot of money and effort to get people to visit a website. Social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing and other means are used to get people into the digital marketing funnel.
The question is, do all of them convert into customers? Of course, the answer is no. There are many who visit your website, check through your web pages, including the products or services page and then leave. No purchases, no queries asked. What do you do about these could-be customers? Do you abandon all hope of getting them onboard the moment they leak out of the marketing funnel?
Off-course Remarketing is what you need. Think back on how you find ads of shoes showing up on the sidebar of your screen right after you checked for some shoes online. Search engines have the ability to pick up searched keywords and offer you ads according to the searches that you have made. You can make use of these channels to offer your customers as a way of remarketing. The tone is, you have checked for XYZ shoes on the website (we know you did not buy any!), now look at another option, ABC shoes. Interested in buying a pair?
Once you have the information about the potential customers’ searches, you are in a better position to bid for PPC ads on the searched keywords. The customers who leave without buying do not leave you empty-handed. You have a wealth of information at your disposal, data that you can use to study the behavior and search patterns of the users. This is especially true for those that have left. You already know what gets them interested because you have tapped them successfully once! With a new range of products or services, tap them again in a similar manner. This is known as RLSA or Remarketed List for Search Ads.
These ads, as you have additional insight about the psychology of the potential buyers, usually give you a higher Click through Rate and a higher Conversion Rate as well. You can tap into them through email ids shared with your bank during their first visit to the page. You can even use social media hashtags or profile names to identify individual would-be buyers.
Another way to remarket is to use the new function on Google AdWords: customer match. With the email list that you have, you can check for user behavior across the ad display network of Google.
Benefits of Remarketing
- One of the biggest benefits of remarketing is that it allows you to re-engage with website visitors who have already shown interest in your products or services. By targeting these people, you can increase your chances of converting them into customers. Remarketing also helps to build brand awareness and create a positive association with your company.
- Another great thing about remarketing is that it’s extremely customizable. You can target people based on what pages they visited on your website, how long they stayed on those pages, what type of device they were using, and even their location! This level of customization allows you to tailor your ads specifically to the interests of each individual person.
How to use mass personalization in remarketing:
Mass personalization is combining a huge amount of data and targeting a large group of people through it. People usually move towards Facebook for targeting and segmenting the audience. Remarketing is more like tagging people online with your product or a particular kind of behaviour.
You can create a custom audience based on data available to you and the behaviour of this audience. After someone visits your website, you can hit them with the remarketing code. You can do segmentation on Facebook on the basis of your remarketing list with very specific messaging.
Often property dealers look for off-market leads and fail to zero in on the right market segment. This seems to be difficult because there can be people from diverse economic background, different age, trying to sell their houses. It is not easy to determine the right reason for them to sell a particular property. Once you mange to filter the right segment, it becomes easier reaching out to them through Facebook. You can target them with very specific ad campaign based on their specific interest.
If they like pets, you can use puppies in the ad. If the target group is young, you can show them how easy it is to sell a house. In fact, it consumes less time compared to that for fighting with a member in their family about listing the property. Mass personalisation helps creating remarketing lists to target individual behaviour that helps in higher click through rate and increased conversion rate at a lower expense. Reminding people of what they are looking for is a real success, especially when they get special offers they did not expect.
Remarketing: Is it for all industries or just for a few?
Usually remarketing works for any product or service unless there is an emergency situation to handle. In case of immediate hospitalization or urgent need of some plumbing services, remarketing cannot be expected to pay off well. It is surely not a strategy when a choice is needed to be made right away.
What are the important parameters to decide the length of Remarketing?
According to general consensus a 30, 90 or 180 days cookie length is decided for effective remarketing efforts. The initial ad campaign can say, “Sell your house now” or “Get a buyer fast”. However, after 30 days are past, the message of the ad should change into “You should have sold your house by now”. Your cookie length can be manipulated in that way. Your cookie length or message depends on the buying cycle that is fit for your product.
It is better when you stick to the usual 30, 90, 180 format provided you are not sure of the right formula to do marketing for your product. It is continuous testing through which you can find the right cookie length after which the conversion happens. Ideally, it should not exceed 1 and half years. It is only you who can decide on the right cookie length for your product.
What should the change of your message for campaign depend on?
There are a number of factors on which it might depend on. Every campaign should do its testing before deciding on the right matter. Change of the message depends largely on the product. If you are selling shoes or clothes that are not quite highly priced, it is a good idea to go for a push after a 30 days cycle. You need to step into the shoes of your customers. Certain sellers know their customers better than others. As a result, they can decide on the right message for campaign after 30 or 90 days cookies. Offering a bit of discount can make success come easier through the process.
The idea is not to waste any opportunity of remarketing. The way to approach it can be found out through a bit of testing.
Steps to start reaping the benefits of Remarketing
Google Remarketing
If you want to start reaping the benefits of remarketing, here are a few steps you can take:
– Sign up for a Google AdWords account.
– Create a list of target customers from audience manager.
– Install remarketing code if you target website visitor
– Set up your ad campaign.
– Measure and optimize your results.
Google offers a great guide on how to get started with remarketing, so be sure to check it out! And if you need any help setting things up, our team is always happy to assist. Contact us today to learn more about remarketing and how it can benefit your business.
Also you can do Remarketing on Facebook by creating a custom audience or look alike audience and setup Facebook pixel code for conversion tracking.
Facebook Retargeting
Requirements for retargeting
- Facebook pixel/app events: You need a Facebook pixel implemented on your website, and you will need to use standard events to report which product IDs from your catalogue are being viewed, added to basket and purchased. If you want to retarget your ads to people on a mobile app, you can set up app events. If you’re not sure how to set up a pixel or app events, consider contacting a website or app developer.=.
- Catalogue: You need a catalogue to use dynamic ads. If supported, you can use an existing data feed from one of Facebook’s integrations (e.g. Shopify). If you don’t have a catalogue, learn how to create a catalogue.
How to retarget an audience
To retarget an audience with dynamic ads:
- Go to Ads Manager and create your dynamic ad or open an existing one.
- In your ad set, find the Audience section and choose Retarget ads to people who interacted with your products on and off Facebook.
- Select a retargeting option, update the corresponding number of days and choose the products to include.
Note: If you choose Custom combination, you can specify which audience interactions to include or exclude. For example, you could include people who added products to their basket in the last 45 days and exclude people who purchased products in the last 45 days.
Important points to remember about remarketing
The customary caution here is that your remarketing method must be very bright. For example, a blunder of a mistake would be to unleash your remarketing process on buyers who have already converted into customers. Similarly, there is a shelf date on how much you can remarket to some buyers. If you find that the period of, say a fortnight, is over and the conversion rate continues to be very low, you might as well abandon that line of remarketing.
Another warning is that you should attune your marketing message in order to ensure that the remarketing process is not a tiresome one. For example, suppose a buyer has not converted into a sale and you keep hitting the buyer with the same marketing message half a dozen times! It will not lead to anything because you are hitting against a wall, burning up your financial resources in the process.
Finally, keep the marketing funnel open at all ends. It need not always be a purchase that you are looking for. It can be any form of engagement with your brand, like a newsletter subscription or participating in an online poll, etc. You should not limit yourself to the concept of making a sale as that would be tough and in the effort, you might put off a buyer who is open to engagement and probably buy later. Do not shut down any avenue for a future sale.
With the competition in the digital marketing arena, the last thing you want is to lose out on potential customers. When you have people visiting your website once, you know that they are interested, however minuscule that interest might be. This is a better opportunity to clinch a sale than dealing with someone who is not into your brand at all!
Related reading: Comprehensive guide to remarketing
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